Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude, Day 19

November 19: Tell someone you know how grateful you are for the work they do. Share your story here.

I didn't have to think very hard about who I wanted to thank today. I've known him for a long time, in fact, he started at my school the year I was home on maternity leave with my son. He's been a social studies teacher, a coach, driver's ed instructor, worked in Title I for a bit, athletic director, home-school principal, and is currently our vice principal. I wouldn't want his job for anything, but he is good under pressure, and hasn't lost his sense of humor or his laugh. So when I stopped by his office after our collaboration time today, and told him what I was doing, he looked a little startled. I don't think me startling him is anything new; I'm pretty sure there are times when he would wish I would not stop by his office! I told him why I was grateful to him - he listens, and considers the issue. He has the best interests of the kids at heart. He deals gracefully with problems that have the potential to go south, and I think he is a calming influence during those meetings. He understands our school. Can he get to the point when he needs to? Yes, of course. Does he provide leadership? Yes, thank goodness.

Because I've known this guy for some time, we also have friendship. We've swapped kid stories when our kids weren't being so awesome. I made one of his kids a baby quilt, but honestly I can't remember which kid it was for! One time he sent me a text of the HGTV Dream House in Park City, Utah that I was supposed to win. When I realized just what I was looking at, I thought, "What?!", and then of course, how could I not laugh?

The bottom line here is that we all work with people who, whether they realize it or not, are supportive and influential, and make our professional lives richer, and easier. So, Dave, thank you very much for all you do, and all of the support you have given me over the years.


Unknown said...

Even though I have not known him for as long as you have, I completely agree with everything you have said. He is definitely someone that I am grateful for as well!

Unknown said...
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