Friday, November 7, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude, Day 7

November 7: What new learning has inspired you in your career?

Learning to use a learning management system changed how I teach. As a recipient of a technology grant, I learned to use Moodle as an instructional space for my high school classes. I have been a Moodle user for five or six years, and have used a blended model of instruction for my high school classes. This year I switched to Schoology, and I like the features on it. I am able to put a daily agenda up for my students, use the calendar feature to make sure they see assignment deadlines, and can either grade work online or print them off and let students grade their own work, or do peer review work. I am a blended classroom person, and I thank my EETT grant experience for the introduction to learning management systems. I am seriously considering working in the online environment when I retire from my brick-and-mortar school.

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