In a word? Awesome! This project exceeded my expectations. I introduced the project to both of my high school classes, explaining I was participating in a blogging challenge, and the purpose of my request. I cut out multicolored leaf shapes, and asked each student to write down one thing they are grateful for - it could have been a past event or incident, or something that had occurred that day. Both of my classes reacted initially in the same way - they were willing to give it a shot. As the days passed, kids willingly filled out leaves, and reminded me if I forgot to put the bucket of leaves out for them. This is what the bulletin board looked like on Monday, November 24:
I only had one leaf that needed to be thrown away, a very inappropriate comment that no one would own up to writing. I questioned one this morning, and the boy changed it from being grateful for "hot girls" to "my Toyota" - I could live with that one! The offshoot of this is that I was asked by the Noon Readers, who are in fourth and fifth grade, if they could add a leaf to the board, and so tomorrow each child who wants to participate will all be given a leaf and a chance to express their gratitude. This had been a great experience, and I express my gratitude to this te@chthought challenge!
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