Two weeks have gone by with little thought to school. Oh, I had a school dream about a week ago, this one about Vocabulary Development. I think it was about my Title I classes. I had no desire to head out to the place, not even to water my two plants. So, I didn't. Today I honestly figured I'd be scrambling most of the evening with math planning, but much to my amazement I was done with that by mid-afternoon. And the DVD I found that accompanies my math series actually goes with the 2010 edition that we are using, so I ran off a couple of worksheets, just because I could. Weird.
5th period - now that is a different ball game. I headed to my class Moodle page, added the 'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy New Year' greetings to the last two weeks, and even got the topic started: the wiki, or more specifically, creating a class wiki. Of course, once I started thinking about it, I stalled. Do I really want the kids to create a Civil Disobedience wiki for Mr. B.? Should we use the wiki link on the Moodle page? Google Docs? Wikispaces? Do *I* know how to create a wiki? What kind of lame teacher am I, anyway? Should I let the kids learn-as-they-go, in a constructivist-sort of fashion? I believe they need to learn how to collaborate (especially a couple of them), and I truly believe a wiki is a good place to start. So knowing that I have a bit of time before 5th period on Monday, I'm just going to let this simmer for awhile, and see what happens. I'm even thinking, let the kids pick the research topic, and then let's see what they can do. Learning target = collaboration in a controlled space.
5.5 months to go......10 school days 'til the next day off.....Vacation is definitely over.